The Case of the Missing Unicorn Giver

The Fayette County Free Fair is everyone’s favorite time of the year and for Ullery’s Ice Cream it truly lived up to it. As a kid the fair is the time to play all the games your little heart desires and to get as many prizes as you possibly can. A family with a young man decided they wanted to win the most colorful and biggest stuffed animal at the fair that evening, which just happened to be a rainbow unicorn ice cream cone.

After winning the very last one this family thought there would be no better way to celebrate than with Ullery’s Ice Cream. When they approached the concession trailer to purchase our ice cream we inquired as to where they found such a unique prize. The young man who had won it noticed our fondness for his unicorn ice cream cone prize and decided it would be a good idea to come back to the concession trailer and gift it to us. We were shocked and more than appreciative!

This rainbow unicorn ice cream cone now resides at the Richmond store location. Our granddaughter was certainly excited to share her rainbow sherbet with this awesome unicorn cone stuffed animal. We neglected to get a picture of the family who graciously gave it to us. Help us find this family so we can thank them for bringing joy to not only us but to many others.

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Scooping Sweet Success: Ullery’s Homemade Ice Cream Celebrates 30 Years